Unstaking TGT (via etherscan)

2 min readSep 27, 2024


As most of you already know, we migrated TGT staking to Arbitrum for real yield a few months ago. The option to unstake and migrate to Arbitrum staking was available in version 2.

With the recent update to Thorwallet Pro (v3), we have removed the ability to unstake from the old contract via the app.

If your TGT is still staked on Ethereum (in the old contract), please follow the instructions below to unstake TGT via Etherscan:

Preferably use a desktop computer with Metamask.

  1. go to https://etherscan.io/address/0x77f400a7af20d22f387503dba3979ba28d8af48b#readContract
  2. Go to function “10.userinfo”
  • In the first column give the input as ‘0’
  • In the second column , paste the address(you staked tgt with) and click on query.
  • It will return the amount in (unit 256) , copy the value.

3.after that go to,


and click on connect to web3 and connect your wallet.(connect the same address)

->then go to function ‘15.withdraw’

enter the below

->pid — ‘0’

->amount-‘unit 256 value you copied the in the previous step’

->address- ‘your eth address’

and then click on ‘write’ and approve the transaction.

your rewards will be auto harvested.

The ability to bridge and stake TGT on Arbitrum is available in the app(v3).

